
There aren’t many associations that have stood strong for 50 years and had such transformative impacts on the women’s business landscape as NAWBO—year after year and decade after decade. This calls for a celebration for the ages, and you’re invited to be part of it…back in Washington, DC where it all began for NAWBO in 1975 as the first women’s business advocacy organization.

June 5-8, 2025
Omni Shoreham Hotel
Washington, DC

Join us for this once-in-a-lifetime golden anniversary event that’s curated from start to finish with special guests, speakers and events, including:

  • 1-Day Advocacy Day (Thursday, June 5)
  • 1-Day Membership Meeting, Leader Onboarding & Afternoon Sessions (Friday, June 6)
  • 2-Day National Women’s Business Conference & Awards Gala (Saturday, June 7-Sunday, June 8)

Let’s set the stage for NAWBO’s next 50 years together!

10 Reasons to Attend

  • Celebrate the past and present of NAWBO with your woman business owner peers and NAWBO’s partners and supporters as we mark our milestone anniversary.
  • Meet and be inspired by incredible NAWBO trailblazers, including past national presidents/chairs.
  • Set the stage for the next 50 years of powering women’s entrepreneurial dreams, shaping bipartisan legislation, fueling local and national economies and so much more.
  • Be inspired by leaders in education, advocacy and leadership to transform your life and business; and use your voice to change the world for the better for generations to come.
  • Make deep, meaningful connections with women business owners from across the nation and around the world that you can continue to cultivate long after.
  • Take advantage of opportunities to work through challenges and mastermind your business success together during interactive roundtable sessions.
  • Show up for and support our partners who support NAWBO in communities across the nation all year long and throughout the event.
  • Take advantage of the value and impact of all of NAWBO’s in-person annual events being re-envisioned into one epic anniversary experience.
  • Save—the average cost of a business conference today is $500-$2,500 and NAWBO has worked incredibly hard to keep costs at a minimum so that everyone in our community who wants to attend can be there.
  • Don’t miss out—without a national conference in 2024, this one amazing milestone event in 2025 is your only chance to be together with your current NAWBO sisters as well as 50 years of trailblazing NAWBO women.

For frequently asked questions and answers about event planning and costing and how it compares to other conferences, please click here.

NAWBO Overview

“Get a seat at the table or build your own table, and make sure to include other women.”

—Susan Hager, NAWBO’s founding president

Susan and NAWBO’s 11 other founders didn’t start out as advocates. They were women business owners, just like the women NAWBO serves today, with big dreams and obstacles keeping them from fully achieving those.

They formed NAWBO in 1975 in Washington, DC, because they knew they were better together. They began sharing information about federal contracts, access to capital and more. And their efforts, and the number of women who joined them, grew.

Today, 50 years later, NAWBO is the unified, bi-partisan voice of America’s more than 14 million women-owned businesses, and the only dues-based membership organization representing the interests of these women with businesses of all sizes, stages of growth and industries through our three pillars:

  • Education
  • Advocacy
  • Leadership

Our Vision & Mission

NAWBO propels women entrepreneurs into economic, social and political spheres of power worldwide by:

  • Strengthening the wealth creating capacity of our members and promoting economic development within the entrepreneurial community
  • Creating innovative and effective change in the business culture
  • Building strategic alliances, coalitions and affiliations
  • Transforming public policy and influencing opinion makers

Learn more about NAWBO here.
